I am new to the combination of python and NI Daqmx. I managed to downlaod all needed packages/libraries and want to controll 3 digital outputs using python.
I am aware that the page http://nidaqmx-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
exists, however, the syntax there is unclear to me and I would need some examples in order to understand the syntax on that webpage.
I am familiar with C, C++, and Matlab.
Device: NI USB-6008
Python 3.6.4 (using PyCharm)
Windows 7
What I want to control: port 0 line 0:2 as digital output
What should it do: Set digital output on or off in order to switch connected relais.
My questions:
1) How can I address a channel? e.g. port 0 line 0
2) How do I tell a channel whether it is input or output?
3) How do I tell the Daqmx that I want to switch the state (off -> on)?
Thank you very much for your attention and I am glad upon each feedback.