Hello! I'm using PCIe 6535b for data acquisition in matlab with DAQ toolbox.
s = daq.createSession('ni') addDigitalChannel(s,'dev1','Port0/Line0','InputOnly')
It worked fine with single acquisition:
But when I try to add trigger:
addTriggerConnection(s,'External','Dev1/PFI5','StartTrigger') dataIn = startForeground(s);
error happened:
To use the session object in clocked mode with the digital input channel 'port0/line0', an external clock must be supplied. See documentation on Digital Clocked Operations Using Session-Based Interface for more information.
I also tried to add clock:
addClockConnection(s,'external','Dev1/PFI5','ScanClock') dataIn = startForeground(s);
error still happened:
NI Error -88700: An internal error occurred. Task Name: _unnamedTask<1C> Status Code: -88700
I want to realize continuous data acquisition with an external trigger. Could anyone give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot !