Hi All,
I am working with NI-6537 from C++ and facing with the following problem.
I create an input task for continuous samples with the following parameters:
- sample rate: 50 MHz
- buffer size: 33554432
- onboard buffer size (FIFO): 16384 (read-only)
I register a callback function with the following parameters:
- DAQmx_Val_Acquired_Into_Buffer
- nSamples (number of samples after which each event should occur): 1048576
- options: the callback function is called in a DAQmx thread
Sometimes it happens that my registered callback function isn't called. It happens e.g. after 16 hours long running or after just 30 minutes. Buffer overrun doesn't happen because I am checking the current size of the buffer.
Other problem is that after this I cannot even stop the task with DAQmxStopTask. It means that in NI MAX / NI I/O trace the DAQmxStopTask doesn't finish (the command appears in NI I/O trace window but the status code isn't filled).
My questions:
1. How can I retrieve any information about the status or the problem? I tried DAQmxIsTaskDone but it returns no error.
2. What can cause the problem that my callback function isn't called?
Many thanks for your support in advance.
Kind regards,