I am using a USB-6361 interfaced with a BNC-2110 connector shield block. I am attempting to use DAQmx to use a hardware timed digital output (port 0) so that I can continuously output a digital pulse to a motor based on a changeable square wave that I am reading in.
Every time that I attempt to run the run the code, I get error -200946:
Possible reason(s):
Task could not be started, because the driver could not write enough data to the device. This was due to system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations.
Reduce the number of programs your computer is executing concurrently. If possible, perform operations with heavy bus usage sequentially instead of in parallel. If you can't eliminate the problem, contact National Instruments support at ni.com/support.
Task Name: _unnamedTask<A>
Does this mean that I cannot use the USB 6361 to do what I am trying to do? It does not seem to me that I am using that much bandwidth, that it would overwhelm my computer or the USB device. I tried to model my code over the "Voltage (Non-Regeneration) Continuous Output.vi", replacing things that I needed to make it a digital output. I am relatively new to LabVIEW so there could be something that I am missing.