I have an outdoor Christmas tree which uses 16 LED rope lights and 4 same rope lights formed star with 8 sides on top (see attached picture). I setup/use it every year, but only either on or off all together.
So I am thinking make it a little bit more interesting this year: use a USB-6501 to control it. I can use at least 20 digital out to drive 20 solid state relays and keep the remaining 4 as digital in for control. I will make some time sequence to make lights move/dance and use a loop to cycle. The controls (push buttons) can be used to stop at one particular sequence I like or pick several sequences and loop among them, change time constant and so on.
But since the last time I used LabView was 30 years ago, I need some help to set this box up. Such as where to find some examples, especially how to achieve best visual effect with time constant, etc.
If you have done anything similar, please point me to the right direction. Thanks!