I have a project where I need to control 21 pneumatic solenoid valves and I'm gonna be given a MyRio board to control them using LabView program. I did some research and it seems like controling board outputs with LabView is not a problem.
These valves are 24VDC 0.7/0.9W and I guess that controling them directly from the board might damage it, so I came up with an idea to use some transistors to boost the current using external supply.
The problem is that I don't know much about electronics and I'd like to ask you to prepare a schematic for me. It would be great also, if you could write down part's numbers I will have to buy. I guess there is gonna be some Mosfets, maybe a flyback diodes to connected to coil to avoid spikes?
As I said I don't know much about electronics but I will appreciate any tip.
Sorry for any mistakes made - english is not my native 🙂
Thanks in advance.