The VI file attached is related to drive control of DC motor using the cRIO using fuzzy logic. The output of the square wave generator is connected to the waveform graph (at the right extreme end). Now I want this output to be connected to the digital I/O module 9401 (MOD3/DIO0 as shown in the diagram). The type of output from the sqaure waveform is of waveform type whereas the input of the digital module is of FPGA type. How do I make this connection?
Also there are 3 terminals to the digital module (FPGA I/O IN, FPGA I/O OUT, I/O READ). Which of these terminals do I connect the output of the square waveform to?
I am connecting a DC motor to MOD3/DIO0 on the crio in order to control it with the PWM output fro the square waveform generator.
PS:You cannot run the VI because it needs a '.fs' file too which I am unable to upload. Only please clarify the connection to be made as described above.
Thank you