I'm using the NI-9505 driver for controlling a CNC positioning system with PID, T1FLS and IT2FLS for comparison purposes in noise presence. Intentionally, I've added Gaussian white noise to the reference signal and the motor must follow different shapes with that added noise (Square, Triangular, Sawtooth and Sinusoidal). The problem I encountered is that after I enabled the driver. The control system should work until the last reference point is reached, but it doesn't finish because a Drive Fault is triggered. I don't understand why, but I can suppose that the PWM signals applied to MOT+ and MOT- had occurred at same time when the reference changes and makes the duty cycle change suddenly from positive to negative value due to the noise.
This occurs sometimes whenever I increase the noise amplitude. Normally, without noise, it does finish the program disabling the driver sucessfully until the last reference point is reached.
Please check the VI and the sawtooth signal response (JPG). Some suggestions?
Thank you very much!