Im challanged with LabView and I need to count a digital period. Im supposed to count number of cycles on a motor that switch from left to right. Each cycle is one left/right iteration. My challange is that, on my system there is som spikes, so i need to count for some ms or x number of samples to be sure, that I have an high- or low-level. This at the moment my main task..
Further I need to count one up for each cycle and show it. Later I also need to save the exact number of which cycle the connection is lost..
I tried to illustrate my signal with the time and the spike.
The whole systems is sopposed to chech the connection in a USB cable and it's also connected to a DAQ USB-6009.
I have LabView 15, so I created some snippets which I hope you can see or open. The first image is my first steps and the second image is the whole code.
Complete system:
Please share your ideas and you most welcome to come with examples
Thanks in advance