I have to make a simple project that acquires bits from a single digital line (2Mbps), searching for a certain 88bit pattern (BARKER) and after finding it stores 8000 bits from the channel in a txt file of a certain format. For the acquisition I use PXI 6552 (with 8Mbits per channel on board memory). I have developed my project based on Dynamic Acquisition examples and it seemed that it worked fine until I discovered that I am actually losing some data and that I detect only every 10th to 20th barker sequence (I am monitoring data via oscilloscope as well so I am certain that I do not detect every barker sequence). I also noticed a sporadic warning
Warning 1803 occurred at DTbl Digital Subset.vi->DTbl Search for Digital Pattern.vi->LineSequenceTest_v24.vi
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range.
but I do not understand what could be the problem and could that problem be the cause of losing data.
Thank you!