Hi there,
I would like to use the USB 6501 to trigger the execution of some code. I am struggling to figure out a way to do this because all of the examples I can find use a daq to trigger acquisition on the same device - I don't want to use the 6501 to do anything except see the trigger and then I want to execute code which doesn't use any daqmx vi's.
To be more clear, here is what I would like to do:
- I have a 1.5us wide, 5.25 V high TTL pulse coming from an instrument. The pulse arrives at a regular interval, with the interval varying between 10ms and 100 ms. (My 'data rate', so to speak, is not large at all. Also, I can control that interval so I can make it longer if I need to).
- I want to detect that pulse with the USB 6501
- I want to use some of NI's digital i/o vi's to 'see' the pulse and then use that pulse as a trigger to execute a block of code
- The block of code which will be executed controls a different instrument, it does not use any daqmx vi's, and is not a NI daq device.
I am confused about a few things:
- Does the USB 6501 have the capacity to see a 1.5us wide pulse? I can't find any specs for minimum pulse width except with the counter input. In other words, does the USB 6501 have a high enough clock speed to see a 1.5 us pulse?
- How will I implement the timing? The block of code I want to execute will take much less than 10ms to complete, but I am confused about using the timing functions to ensure the block of code executes within the interval between pulses
- How will I implement this generally? All of the examples I can find are about using pulses to trigger acquisition on a DAQ. I can't find any examples for just triggering some block of code.
Thanks so much!