Hey all,
I am trying to measure the time difference of two digital IO signals that annunciate the opened/closed state of a valve using digital lines. Attached is my code and a couple pictures of what I have working so far.
I am left with:
A) Measuring the time between when the first signal line goes high and when the second signal line goes low (time between CLOSED turning off and OPENED turning on and vice - versa).
B) Alternatively, I can measure the time when signal OPEN gets asserted, and signal OPENED gets actuated (and vice - versa)
Below is code for all three loops. Also below is the pseudo for what I am doing:
- I have the actuation working in labview, loop 1.
- And I have the annunciation of the two signals displayed on the Labview screen, loop 3.
I am using the USB-6525 and thus I only have one counter to work with and I WOULD LIKE to use the two digital input lines I am currently using
- the approximate time of open -> close is 2 to 10 seconds
- The resolution needed is around 50ms
- The signals are NOT periodic thus I cannot use the waveform measurement.
- Open/Close actuation are both synchronous with respect to each other but the OPENED/CLOSED actuation are not.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding my problem. I feel like this should be a simple solution using the get_ms timer function and while loops to update the value until the signal changes (stopping the loop counter), but I don't know...