I work for a small PV&V department. We have a cDAQ-9188 chassis with numerous cards for performing data aquisition, using Signal Express. We also have a PLC (Automation Direct) for controlling various cycles tests. I am normally able to program the PLC to perform multiple tests at one time, however we are currently running a test off site and the PLC is being utilized. We have another upcoming cycle test which will need some simple control function (turn directional valve on 2 seconds, rest 1 second, reverse directional valve 2 seconds, rest and repeat. It appears that our NI9375 card would be able to be utilized to control the directional valve (with a relay). Can someone verify this and provide a sample LabView program I could start with to control our test (we also have LabView, but I have not spent enough time on it to become familiar with programming it). Thanks in advance.