I recently purchased the NI-USB-6210 to replace my old voltmeter, Keithley 197A. After installation and initial testings, I found that the baseline noise was significant increased.
For the same setting, my old Keithley 197A meter measured 5.0000+/-0.0001 V. However, the new NI-USB-6210 measured 5.00+/-0.01V. The noise is 100 times higher.
At a lower voltage, it's 0.500+/-0.002V VS 0.5+/-0.4V. The noise is too high. According to the spec of 6210, it measures 10 V in 16 bit, and this translates to 0.1 mV. So I suspect the card may be defective.
Does anyone have the same issue? Would this be defective or could it be some settings to increase the resolution?