Error 1430 with my rio
I am using labview 2014 with my Rio kit when I tried to run labview program with Myrio keep connected it shows me error 1430 or error 7 which indicates me that the possibility is that file was not...
View ArticleDoubt about Digital I/O lines
Hello all, In my project am going to use 10,000 No's LED I/O's in single 100 No's I/O NI - card. Is it possible to use it?
View ArticleLimit switch
Good day.I want to use limit switches with SoftMotion. I have NI-9503 and NI-9421 modules. I added DIO Loop for reading limit switches and switch on Forward and Revers limits in axis settings, but it`s...
View Article6533 to 6356/7/8 Cable Adapter - PFI lines and digital input sample clock
I am updating some old code that was written for the NI PCI-6533 32-HS digital I/O card and think I now understand what is going on but was hoping someone could confirm I'm on the right track. The old...
View ArticleError -200077 external trigger
Hi, I am very new to LabVIEW. I am trying to use an external trigger from a moving stage via NI USB-6281 to perform some measurements in my setup. I get the following error in DAQmx Timing v: Error...
View ArticleGraph Stops Updating with Continuous Sampling
Hi all! So I have an NI-9215 and I am taking continuous samples at a very high rate (I need to) for 1-3 hours. I am updating all voltage values in a histogram in real time. For some reason, my...
View ArticlePCI 6528 with interval zero RTX2016
Hi, We are working with NI PCI 6528 with interval zero RTX2016 working on windows 7 , 32 bit.Currently we are reading PCI 6528 frequently.We are wondering if you can guide us or send a driver the...
View ArticleUSB-8451 SPI transmission distance.
What is the maximum distance that the SPI bus can transmit and receive data from a slave sensor? It must depend on a few things like the clock frequency and types of buffer. What buffer do you...
View ArticleUSB-6008
Hallo zusammen, lange Zeit haben wir unseren Wandler USB-6008 über WIN XP laufen lassen und unsere Daten über VI Logger Lite erfasst (siehe Datei max_report.html)und gespeichert. Nach dem Umstieg auf...
View ArticleDigital input and output with "1 Sample (On Demand)" issue
Hello Dear NI-users, I am developing a labview interface for controlling a brushless dc motor. The motor drive needs a --"enable" signal for the initialization: a digital high/low output and--"command...
View ArticleWindows does not detect USB-6509
First post to NI forums - a relative newbie to LabVIEW. I have the home / student version. I purchased a used USB-6509 to play with. I am using Windows 10 pro. Problem: Windows is not detecting my...
View ArticleUSB-6002 read data in Qt Creator
Hello Everyone, I am new to Qt and Digital I/O. I want to know is it possible to read the data of Digital I/O (USB-6002) to Qt creator windows 10/7 64 bit. If yes how can I do it.Please help me. Thanls...
View ArticleError with USB 6002
Hello Everyone,I bought a new NI Device USB 6002 and I am facing a problem that I cannot test it with MAX. When i want to check it with test panels I am getting error 88302 occurred at Test Panel. I...
View ArticleControl a USB-6525 using Python
Hi,I am trying to control a USB-6525 using Python. I have downloaded and installed the latest version of NI-MAX. I also installed PyDAQmx. However, it seems that there is a dependency that is...
View ArticleSynchronizing two counters on cDAQ-9172
I am trying to generate two pulses of specified lengths synchronized with each other. I am trying to start the second counter with respect to the first one but I don't succeed. What am I doing wrong?...
View ArticleDigital pulse without counter in USB 6353
Hello!I am working on Ni USB 6353,where i want generate five pulse in digital five line ,i don't want use counter.with help of digital out can i generate 5ms pulse in digital out line? 1D array is not...
View ArticleSinking 12V through a Reed switch into a 9425
We have successfully had a system fielded for about a year now, and one of its several functions is to measure product flow through its channels. Given the application, chemical compatibility, cost,...
View ArticleSimulating Digital Inputs (PCI-6527)
Hello,I am currently working on a project involving reading digital input of a NI PCI-6527 card.The computer containing this card is not plugged to anything yet, because we are awaiting material from...
View ArticlePCI DIO 96
Hello I am using PCI DIO 96 digital IO card, I need to upgrade my operating system and computer. But now a days we are not getting that easily PCI card in desktop. Is there any direct replacement with...
View ArticleTCA9555 Analog I/O
I understand that the TCA955 is an I/O extender that communicates via a I2C bus. What I can't figure out is whether this chip will take analog inputs as well as digital inputs. I'm trying to add more...
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