Deadtime of Ni9402 input / output module
Hello, Im using a NI system where the digital output from a photomultiplyer tube is collected by a Ni9402 input / output module. The photomoltiplyer tube itself has a deadtime but what I want to know...
View ArticleNI USB-TC01 Error code -225306
Hi All, We have 2 NI USB-TC01 try safe test for the first one operate normally but the second device but error code -225306 and reply massage The driver failed to communication.
View ArticleRead 12 bit signal from amplifier using NI USB-6501
Hi there, I am new to LabView. I have been watching tutorials, but they didn't help me. I want to read a 12 bit Digital signal from . I have USB-6501 and I connected it to ground and connected [port0...
View ArticleNI PXI-6509 Power up states Issues
I am using NI PXI-6509 cards with PXIe-1065 chassis. I am having couples of issues with setting power up state of PXI-6509. 1) When i change PXI-6509 power up state to "1" in MAX, it doesn't show the...
View ArticleComputer / nuDrive connection
Hello,I want to connect a stepper motor to the computer via nuDrive(Model: nuDrive-2SX-411).So I did the followings.- I installed PCI device to the computer- I installed Labview software and NI drivers...
View ArticleElectronic communication and engineer
I am fersher and trainering this field will wrk defentily
View ArticleReading Parallel bits and sending them over USB
I have an FPGA which is sending data off on the GPIO pins. I want to read these bits in parallel and then send them to my pc over a USB cable. I have been looking at a couple different options to do...
View ArticleDrivers for PXI-6541
Hello, I have PXI-6541 that does not found drivers for it on a PXIe-8133 Embedded Controller (NI MAX 18.5 shows with the yellow exclamation point) and Windows device manager claims missing...
View ArticleDrivers for PXIe-5652
Hello, I have PXIe-5652 that does not found drivers for it on a PXIe-8133 Embedded Controller (NI MAX 18.5 shows with the yellow exclamation point) and Windows device manager claims missing...
View ArticlePin 1 of USB-6501 OEM
Can someone please help me confirm where Pin 1 is on the USB-6501 OEM connector? I attached an image of where I think it is. I don't have a USB-6501 OEM on hand yet but need to have someone help me...
View ArticleNI-488.2 version 2 for windows
I have a GPIB/ENET-100 and it didn't work with driver v17.6 and referring to old documentation I found it was working with version 2.x.Does anyone have an idea of where to find this version?
View Article"error -1074360293" when ouput camera basler
I'm trying to output io with a camera basler to control an electric valve. but I encountered a problem when running continuously for about a time, the error as above.I am trying with the code below....
View ArticleHost-FPGA communication
Hi All, I'm trying to send data from a host VI to a FPGA VI. I know this can be done trough front panel controls, but I ran out of terminals.So I decided to group items into array controls but now the...
View ArticleHow to set a fixed latency / dealy to NI 6535b card for digital output
Hello! I am using NI 6535b card to output digital waveform at tens of kHz sample rate. However, I suffer from a unknown delay between my sample clock and the first output of the waveform. For example,...
View ArticleAccelerometer DeltaTron 4507 B 004 with MyDaQ ,it work's ?
Hello NI community, I'm new with you , and i'm still beginner with NI tools & équipement ,so know i'm i have an DeltaTron 4507 B 004 accelerometer and a MyDaQ card ,i made my filter and amplifier...
View ArticleProblem in time of continuous acquisition PCI NI 6534 on Windows 10
Hi,I'm using the NI 6534 (PCI interface) with the driver NI-DAQmx 19.0 to acquire continuous data using C++ program on Windows 10, the acquisition time of every block is calculated in 2.56 seconds, but...
View ArticlePCI6143触发和数字输出
请问PCI6143的Digital trigger和Digital output不能一起用吗 现在情况是这样的,我用8路数字输出控制模拟开关,可以正常输出高低电平。 但是我用PFI0作为触发源,触发数字输出,数字输出无法输出高电平,且程序运行报错200452
View ArticlePCI6143 digtal output and start trigger running together
Hello every ,I use PCI6143 8 line output to contral the switch, it works well.But when starting the program with the trigger PFI0 ,there is no high voltage out .and program error“200452” .Trigger...
View ArticleDifference between DAQ devices and RIO devices
Please let me know the difference between DAQ Devices and RIO devices in application oriented.
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