I have an NI PCIe-6536B, which I am interacting with using the NIDAQmx C API and NI MAX.
PFI5 takes input to the NI card. I want to route that signal to PFI1 and drive that signal out from the NI card. Whatever PFI5 reads, I want PFI1 to drive.
Now, when I call
DAQmxConnectTerms("/Dev1/PFI5", "/Dev1/PFI1", DAQmx_Val_DoNotInvertPolarity);
PFI1 still does not react to stimulus on PFI5.
I am guessing that I need to configure PFI1 as an output. How do I do that?
I tried creating and starting a digital output task for /port4/line1 which is apparently another name for PFI1. But when I then called DAQmxConnectTerms as above, I got:
Specified route cannot be satisfied, because it requires resources that are currently in use by another route. Source Device: Dev1 Source Terminal: PFI5 Destination Device: Dev1 Destination Terminal: PFI1 Required Resources in Use by Task Name: task Source Device: Dev1 Source Terminal: Software Destination Device: Dev1 Destination Terminal: PFI1 Status Code: -89137
How do I configure PFI1 as an output?