I am currently working with the NI PCIe-6259 card which is connected to a BNC-2110 board. The goal would be to control a pulsed UV-Laser which emits in the range between 10-1000 Hz. Therefore I need a trigger because the laser emits accordingly to the trigger signal repetition rate. I just tried to create a digital trigger signal which switches between 0V and 5V with the frequency I would like to have. Unfortunately LabVIEW always shows error-200303 that says that an external source is needed (I added a picture of the blockdiagram.). Furthermore I tried an example which was already discussed in the forum (https://forums.ni.com/t5/Digital-I-O/Can-I-send-a-digital-waveform-with-a-PCI-6259-or-a-PCI-6602/td-p/1212567). Trying this didn't lead to an error message but I couldn't measure any signal.
Does anyone have an idea how I can create the trigger better or see a possible mistake I made?
I would appreciate your help.