DAQmx Start task gives this unknown error. What can it mean?
I am running digital acquisition task with Burst (Output clock) with some external device, transmitting data. Alone it works fine.
Then I need to measure time after the read ends (PFI6 = Dig0/ReadyForTransfer falling edge) to external digital edge coming to PCI-6602..
If I configure (route /DIO/Dig0/ReadyForTransfer to RTSI2, setup counter measurements on PCI-6602), while DIO task is running (starting, measuring, stopping) both tasks run fine.
But I need to synchronize them.
If I first configure HSDIO task,
Then make route, configure and commit counter task, configuration works fine.
But DIO-32HS Start task gives above error.
Is it because of some route that is required for DIO task, but is blocked by PCI6-RTSI2 connection?