I am attempting to control a 10k MAX 5483 digital pot (http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX5481-MAX5484.pdf) using the SPI interface. I am using the SPI digital waveform library to generate the clock and MOSI signal and simply setting the CS low beforehand and high after. I had used an Arduino Uno and the LIFA with the digital pot and it worked, and from what I can see, I am outputting the same signal from the NI 9474. However, the resistance either doesn't change or it changes to one of a few wrong values, leading me to believe that this might be a synchronization issue. I have attached my cDAQ code as well as some snapshots from an oscilloscope of the signal from the Arduino and corresponding signal from the 9474.
I'm out of ideas so any help with this is greatly appreciated!