I have an NI-6251 that I've set up to output a sequence of digital patterns based on an incoming trigger line (used as the "clock" signal). For example:
Input trigger 0: output line 0 set high
Input trigger 1: output line 0 set low, output line 1 set high
Input trigger 2: output line 0 set high, output line 1 set low
Input trigger 3: etc...
The problem I have right now is that I can't figure out how to tell the sequence to repeat itself. I can repeat the task a defined number of times by just writing these actions over and over again in the sequence, but if I end up with more triggers than there are entries in the sequence, then I get incorrect results. I only really need two actions in this sequence: one to set line 0 low and line 1 high, and the other to set line 0 high and line 1 low. Thus I want to generate a length-2 sequence and then tell the task to automatically repeat itself (so that after doing action 1, it resets its internal index and goes to action 0). Similarly, if I had a task with three separate lines that I wanted to individually toggle, then I'd only need 3 actions in the sequence if only I could figure out how to get the sequence to repeat.
Unfortunately I haven't managed that yet. I found the "Repeat Mode" property, which looks totally perfect except it's deprecated and not available. Surely there must be some non-deprecated equivalent?