I would need to input the information of a load cell and a rotary encoder, which are connected to channels of IOTech 650U, to the eZ-Analyst software. I have the following information :
-------------------------------Load cell------------------------------------
Excitation voltage used for the load cell: 5 V
Maximum load of load cell: 3 kg
Rated output of load cell: 1mV/V
Resolution of rotary encoder: 500 pulses per revolution
Power supply of encoder: 12- 24 VDC
Max allowable revolution of encoder: 5000 rpm
1- I wanted to change the FS (Full-Scale Voltage) in the input channel tab; however, It set for range of -40 to 40. How can I put the FS of load cell or encoder into this option? I selected Fs of load cell 5. Is it right?
2- how much should I input for the mv/EU ( millivolt per Engineering Unit) of load cell and rotary encoder?
3- I selected the type of rotary encoder as a Tach, Is it right?
4- In the Analyzer tab of eZ-Analyst , why I can't choose filter? How can I choose low pass filter for anti- aliasing in the eZ-Analyst software?
5- I want to use Amplification for the load cell. How can I do it using eZ-Analyst?