I took some old HSDIO SHC68-C68-D4 cables and cut the wires, cleaned off the board contacts of all wires, solder etc. I added 4 wires to connect to short coax for my DIO0 and DIO1 outputs or DIO2 and DIO3, which I used for SClk and SData for MIPI control. When I check the whole cables and NI adapters or even have an open HSDIO connector on the HSDIO instrument, I can light up all channels 0-15 with static set and read back whether they go high or not. With a blank connector into the HSDIO front panel correct orientation, correct depth of insertions, continuity check shows no short connections inter-channel, yet the test panel shows channels 1,2,7,8,13 and 14 are not active. I am not yet able to explain why. I saw one other post where the person had a similar scrambling, but didn't comment further in feedback in 2011. This is quite perplexing to making custom HSDIO cables for low distributed capacitance. The shortes NI has available is 1/2 meter and a box makes it over 2 ft and well over 150pF. We need to test with less than like 7-9 pf. Any ideas folks?