I am trying to create a pattern generator so I can prompt my DUT via SVID/SVI3 and observe its response, so ideally this would be a c-Series (PXI is acceptable) solution to pair with the appropriate Analog Input modules. We have two potential applications...
SVI3 digital I/O. We implement this with a 4-wire SPI device today. It has to run at about 25-50MHz. No particular drive strength required if it can driver a reasonable length of wire at 50MHz.
SVID digital I/O. We also use a 4-wire device to implement this. But this is open-drain, running at 25-50MHz, with a 50 ohm pull up. That forces a rather strong driver. We assume we’ll need a special driver for this, but it would be great if an off the shelf driver can drive this.
Does NI have a solution here? Can we use the NI-9401 and cRIO similar to what's described here?